Running the lessons on your local machine
Training material
Download the training material copy & pasting the following command in the terminal:
$ git clone
$ cd nf-training
Training software
The simplest (and recommended) way to install the software for this course is using conda.
To install conda see here.
To create the training environment run:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Then activate the environment by running
conda activate nf-train
Data is already in the ready format for usage.
Visual Studio Code editor setup
Any text editor can be used to write Nextflow scripts. A recommended code editor is Visual Studio Code.
Go to Visual Studio Code and you should see a download button. The button or buttons should be specific to your platform and the download package should be installable.
Nextflow language support in Visual Studio Code
You can add Nextflow language support in Visual Studio Code by clicking the install button on the Nextflow language extension.
In case you have problems in installing software with conda
Try your best to install all the software listed in environment.yml manually. If you still have no success then our training helpers can help you in the classroom.