Setup |
Download files required for the lesson |
00:00 |
1. Getting Started with Nextflow
What is a workflow and what are workflow management systems?
Why should I use a workflow management system?
What is Nextflow?
What are the main features of Nextflow?
What are the main components of a Nextflow script?
How do I run a Nextflow script?
00:40 |
2. Nextflow scripting
What language are Nextflow scripts written in?
How do I store values in a Nextflow script?
How do I write comments in a Nextflow script?
How can I store and retrieve multiple values?
How are strings evaluated in Nextflow?
How can I create simple re-useable code blocks?
01:15 |
3. Workflow parameterization
How can I change the data a workflow uses?
How can I parameterise a workflow?
How can I add my parameters to a file?
01:40 |
4. Channels
How do I get data into Nextflow?
How do I handle different types of input, e.g. files and parameters?
How do I create a Nextflow channel?
How can I use pattern matching to select input files?
How do I change the way inputs are handled?
02:20 |
5. Processes
How do I run tasks/processes in Nextflow?
How do I get data, files and values, into a processes?
03:05 |
6. Processes Part 2
How do I get data, files, and values, out of processes?
How do I handle grouped input and output?
How can I control when a process is executed?
How do I control resources, such as number of CPUs and memory, available to processes?
How do I save output/results from a process?
03:45 |
7. Workflow
How do I connect channels and processes to create a workflow?
How do I invoke a process inside a workflow?
04:30 |
8. Operators
How do I perform operations, such as filtering, on channels?
What are the different kinds of operations I can perform on channels?
How do I combine operations?
How can I use a CSV file to process data into a channel?
05:10 |
9. Nextflow configuration
What is the difference between the workflow implementation and the workflow configuration?
How do I configure a Nextflow workflow?
How do I assign different resources to different processes?
How do I separate and provide configuration for different computational systems?
How do I change configuration settings from the default settings provided by the workflow?
05:55 |
10. Simple RNA-Seq pipeline
How can I create a Nextflow pipeline from a series of unix commands and input data?
How do I log my pipelines parameters?
How can I manage my pipeline software requirement?
How do I know when my pipeline has finished?
How do I see how much resources my pipeline has used?
06:55 |
11. Modules
How can I reuse a Nextflow process in different workflows?
How do I use parameters in a module?
07:40 |
12. Sub-workflows
How do I reuse a workflow as part of a larger workflow?
How do I run only a part of a workflow?
08:00 |
13. Reporting
How do I get information about my pipeline run?
How can I see what commands I ran?
How can I create a report from my run?
08:25 |
14. Workflow caching and checkpointing
How can I restart a Nextflow workflow after an error?
How can I add new data to a workflow?
Where can I find intermediate data and results?
09:05 |
15. Deploying nf-core pipelines
Where can I find existing bioinformatic pipelines?
How do I run nf-core pipelines?
How do I configure nf-core pipelines to use my data?
How do I reference nf-core pipelines?
09:45 |
Finish |
The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.